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About D2BD

Who we are | What we do.

Who We Are

Dare 2 Be Different is a New Jersey based program, that is an extension of community efforts in supporting a positive development of our youth and young adults by offering alternative social and educational venues that encourages independence, interdependence, and collaboration.

Scope of Our Work

D2BD gains participants by referral, collaborations with other non-profit organizations and community outreach. D2BD classes and programs are offered all year around for ages that range from 7-25. D2BD sends out requests for funding, personal/professional contributions, and volunteer opportunities for participants semi-annually (June and December) to ensure continuous funding, mentorships, and open learning environments. Periodic forums and roundtables are offered to encourage the Somerset county and surrounding areas to get involved with the programs and get to know D2BD and its participants.


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Our Mission

Dare You To Be Different (D2BD) is a non-profit organization that was founded in New Brunswick/Somerset, New Jersey. Its mission is to engage today’s underserved youth (ranging in ages 12 to 25 years) in order to build foundations for positive self-esteem, confidence, critical thinking, accountability, and the spirit of giving back through volunteerism and leadership — illustrating four building blocks for growth and empowerment: exposure, experience, education, and extension.

Our Vision

 D2BD is an extension of community efforts in supporting the positive development of our youth/young adults by offering alternative social and educational venues that encourage independence, interdependence, and collaboration.  


Dare 2 Be Different have opportunities that are available for volunteers and mentors for today’s youth/young adults. Donating your time to build up and to encourage our youth in many ways. We have come up with a forum that will allow you to effectively become apart without our volunteers becoming overwhelmed or burnt out. It will be exciting and empowering and an opportunity for you to give back to your community and becoming a part of the change.  We are seeking ways to reach out to youth, not just in our area but the surrounding areas near and far.  We look forward to collaborating with you and local organizations to make a change!

Volunteer Today

As an inner city youth advocate, seeing our young people inadvertently caught up in places and situations that may have been avoided through educated and personalized decision making, breaks my heart and makes me furious!

Audrey McNultyDirector / Founder

Audrey McNulty

Founder / Director

Founder and Director of Kingdom Kidz Daycare Center, Audrey has had a heart for the youth in the community since her early teenage years. Approximately 6 years ago she opened an affordable daycare center for families that would need assistance in child care services and youth center for young people that might otherwise be classified as at-risk. The center also offers programs during the summer, at a time when school is not an option. Youth and young adults have always been at the center of her heart and vision. Audrey states, “now that I have three children of my own, I am more driven and determined than ever to reach those who do not have the opportunities and support that encourages individualism, teamwork, responsible contributing, and planning for success. As an inner city youth advocate, seeing our young people inadvertently caught up in places and situations that may have been avoided through educated and personalized decision making, breaks my heart and makes me furious". She has designed Dare You To Be Different (D2BD) to offer a way for young people to develop a better sense of who they are and how they fit in society around them. She has also developed an avenue for getting them off of the streets and into a more secure and confidential environment.
Audrey has spent the last 10 years as the wife of a minister with a powerful message to reach both the young and the old. She encourages as many people as possible to join her in a mission to support the youth by way of participation, and by monetary donations, skills, and spreading the word. D2BD cannot afford to lose one opportunity to save our children. An graduate of Ashford University, Founder and Leader along with her husband of Kingdom Kidz, Philanthropist and Mentor. Wearing many hats, can be loving called many things, but the title of Mom to her three children Jonathan David, Hannah Grace, Leah Faith and by extension the dozen others who she cares for would be describe who she is. Wife of Pastor Dennis P. McNulty, a role she plays with distinction and poise. Thanking God who has been her strength.